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  • Privacy Academy/You’re Invited (Exclusive Livestream) - Swipe 1 - 7/16/24

Privacy Academy/You’re Invited (Exclusive Livestream) - Swipe 1 - 7/16/24

Do you have a gut-feeling that you're being spied on?



Do you have a gut feeling that you're being spied on? Boy, I sure do.

I can't count the number of times I've seen the words "Surveillance state" on the news this past week.

Privacy is one of the biggest issues of our century. But I doubt most people understand just what is at stake.

Maybe you've seen the viral videos show how Google listens through your device's microphone - so they can send you personalized ads based on what you say.

Ever wonder how Google and Facebook can be among the wealthiest companies in history, even though everything they offer is free?

Well, that's because YOU are the product. They can afford to be "free" because they get something more valuable than your money…

They get your data.

And the data they collect from you is their most valuable asset.

Big Tech uses your data to manipulate you… alter your perception of the world around you… and program your behavior using their algorithms.

Now, most people think that the spying ends there.


Big Tech and Big Brother are playing for the same team against you.

Edward Snowden revealed that the NSA was spying on US citizens almost 10 YEARS ago.

Well, in all that time, not one person in Big Tech or inside any government agency has ever been arrested for trampling all over the US Constitution and our Bill of Rights. Not one.

Which is why the spying continues to this day as Big Tech and Big Brother access your location, texts, microphones, cameras, searches - accessing any data they want.

So, what can you do to protect yourself and push back against these criminals?

First, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. But the truth is, reclaiming your privacy is A LOT easier than you think – if you know where to start, and have a privacy expert to guide you.

That's why I've asked my friend Glenn Meder, an online Privacy and Security Expert to prove that in his Webinar on Thursday, July 18th at 11 am CT (12 pm ET/ 10 am MT/ 9 am PT)


You do not have to be tech savvy to take back your privacy…

You don't need any high-level technical skills…

All you need is a desire to stand your grand and say, ENOUGH!" to all the encroachment on your God-given right to privacy.

Glenn will even stay on to answer your questions live!

If you feel overwhelmed because you think there's no way to protect your online privacy, you need the strategies Glenn is giving away for FREE!

It's time to take back your privacy.

>>> Click here to join the free privacy webinar <<<

Jack Morgan