Basics of Hand-to-Hand Combat for Personal Defense

When it comes to survival, it’s not always about the gear you carry or the shelter you build.

Sometimes, it boils down to the strength of your fists and the quickness of your reflexes.

Hand-to-hand combat can be a vital skill when you’re faced with an immediate threat.

It’s about defending yourself when all else fails.

More Insights, Tips, and Stories

The Australian Outback, a vast expanse of rugged terrain that stretches as far as the eye can see. It’s a place where the sun blazes relentlessly in the day, and the cold can be bone-chilling at night. It’s a place of beauty, mystery, and danger.

Non-perishable items, such as canned goods, dried fruits, nuts, and grains, are your best bet. These bad boys can last for months, sometimes even years, without refrigeration.

The wilderness calls to many of us, beckoning with promises of tranquility and an escape from the urban hustle. One of the most rewarding ways to answer this call is by building an off-the-grid treehouse retreat.